
Determinations? Like what?

Truth be told, I didn't have any ideas on what kind of determination to put up this year? So, I was thinking hard, while chatting up with some friends, and have a couple of ideas that I think I should carry on. 2009 List to do!:

  1. Loose weight. For real. (Ironically, this tend to fail every year!)

  2. Score a high TER, possibly 90++

  3. Pick up the pieces and paces, which means less being lazy and more being nerdy. (Look ma, I'm a nerd! :P)

  4. Obviously, I wanna be the best.

  5. Devote my life more to being a Muslim.

Now that you mention it, I just saw a few Muslim people went in and out of this place. I wonder what they are at first since it was looking quite suspicious. It turns out to be a gambling center, Sports TOTO was it? Anyway, I was surprised, really. Let's just wait and see what's gonna happen to them.

Anyway, I wish you guys a happy new year and make sure those list-to-do things are up to date!

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