
Suharto - In the Honor

I'm taking this opportunity to give my sincerest sympathy to Indonesia's late 2nd Prime Minister, Allahyarham Suharto's family for the loss of Prime Minister Suharto recently. He passed away recently at 1.10 p.m (local time) because of organ failure at 27th January. His loss will be a great pain for anyone who were close to him and to anyone who knew what he did for his own country. I hope this loss will bring a new strength for his family members to go on with their lives. Now, muslims, let us recite Al-Fatihah to him and pray that his soul will rest in peace and he will be placed among the souls that is loved by Allah S.W.T.

I will take this opportunity to mention bits about what he did to Indonesia.
  • 32 years of ruling Indonesia
  • Building up the Nation
  • Ended the "Ganyang Malaysia"
With that, I honor Suharto for what he did selflessly for his own people and country to make sure that they develop into a nation like it is right now.

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