
I'd be happy to,

Ramadhan is coming to an end, and gone are the days when we fast together as friends living far away from family and hometown. It must be quite saddening that Ramadhan would just end here after nearly 30 Days of Fasting. And here I was, all alone, since everyone was already packing their things, ready to go home. Cannot blame anyone for the late ticket isn't it?

Well, at least I know I'll be flying back to my hometown tomorrow. Within this great opportunity, I would like to ask forgiveness to everyone in the Festive Season of Aidilfitri. I might do something wrong to you guys and would like ask the forgiveness. Sorry, it was done on the blog since I don't have enough time to seek each and everyone of you to ask forgiveness face to face.

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So, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri everyone, and Maaf Zahir dan Batin!
- from yours truly, Akmal Ghani -

Anyway, please take care of yourself while having fun back home, and remember to have a happy holiday with your family and friends.

P/s: Please pray that my flight won't be delayed. :)

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