
Notice me. Please.


I’ve said to myself, again and again,

Not to fall in love forever then,

but that moment, was the fateful event.

of my life, where we met, where we stare,

again and again.

Lost in the river of thoughts of you,

Whenever this smile is only for you,

Whatever comes beyond this memories,

is something I wouldn’t give it away

Never I would say.

Even a million times I’ve would be reborn,

That million times I’ve could have sworn,

My eyes is fixed on nothing but you,

My mouth is firmly speaking of you,

My mind is deeply thinking of you.

Can’t you see, what have you done to me,

Can’t you see, the smile I’ve been giving,

Can’t you see, the whole world is watching,

me, stating my love,


So please, please, notice me,

Just a day…
Just a moment…
Just a second…

Notice me…


  1. sedihkn bile diri ini x di'notice'..haha

  2. ha'ah kan... sedey pulak aku tgk bebudak tu main bawah hujan

  3. ok chom..
    ak akn notice kau lpas ni..
    dah. jgn sedih2..

  4. alo.. sedihnya~

    takpe takpe takpe~ nanti orang tu notice la kau. heee.. ^ ^

  5. aku rasa aku sgt la pelik...sbb aku suka klau diri aku ni x dinotice oleh org lain...wahahahaha..

  6. farahin: aku tahu kau mmg notice aku dari dulu lagi.. aku pahammm aku terpaksa menolak cinta mu yang suci murni tuuuu

    aqila: a'ah. tapi tak harap sangat kot..

    Aqma: tu kau je kot.. :)


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