
Adelaide rindu kamu!

Haaa. Dah lama dah tak membebel dekat blog. Ni kalau penulis tulis merapu, korang semua terpaksa la layan eh?

Layan~ (tarik kasi panjang skit >.<)

So, banyak benda nak update. Banyak benda nak ditulis. Kita susun satu persatu apa yang harus kita cakapkan. Silap. Apa yang penulis mahu katakan. Korang baca je, takyah nak bebel-bebel lebih eh? :)

Pasal kelas. Hurm, kelas. It wasn't bad and it wasn't all that good either. It's something that exceeds what I think a university life should be. Maybe I was thinking in much of an overrated manner, due to the massively exposure of movies and dramas that are related to university life. Well, it wasn't the first time I'm wrong either. So, basically I'll just give and take in whatever I could and hope that adaptation wouldn't be that hard at all or at least doable.

Adelaide is getting colder and kaki penulis kesejukan. Penulis lebih sukakan sandal, tapi takkan nak pakai  sandal dengan stokin? Pelik pulak mat salleh and sally tengok penulis pakai cenggitu. Tapi, ada penulis kisah? Hehe :D *tak pakai pun macam tu lagi*

Rindu pulak kengkawan di Malaysia. Sihatkah korang? Penulis lama dah selsema and still masih tak hilang-hilang. Mungkin selsema gedik rindu kot? Rindu korang la kot? :(

Rumah dah ada. Gas dengan Electric dah confirm akan diconnect. Masalah sekarang, landline. Landline takde meaning takde internet. Takde internet meaning takde la sesi berblogging. Aiseh. Takleh la cenggini! >.<

Senior sini rocks la. :) *Ini bukan sesi meng"up"kan sesiapa eh and I'm not as low as that to even be bothered with it*

P/s: "You can sit beside me when the world comes down"


  1. sume penyakit pon gedik :P

  2. Betul, senior sini rocks! ;-)

  3. Rock rock jugak..solat jgn lupe..muahaha

  4. Senior rock ialah senior yang menjaga solat die.. :-p

  5. Yan: haha. Aku yg gedik agaknya!

    Aie & umaiyaq : okayla. Korang mmg rock! Paling sayang korangla ;)

  6. tak syg sy ke?

    (Syahrul Fitri, SQ)


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