
Miss, Hit, Fall and Rise again.

Well, today was nothing much particular except we got three hours of freaking rest for Jummat Prayer! So, we have to sit around the surau doing nothing but sleep. I wasn't really angry with it just that quite envious that others would be able to reach Casa much more earlier than us. Sometimes I'm wondering why would the administration set up such time wasting schedules? At least consult with the students if it looks kinda weird and not acceptable. Haish. Well, not that really angry with it or anything.

This "toyol kecik" was sleeping on me. >.<

Anyway, today we're going to do some steamboat. Heh. It's all Shafiq's idea. We recently bought our own rice cooker for the Ramadhan (Late, I know >.<) and we were quite excited what kind of food we could cook inside it. The first idea that crossed Shafiq's mind is, steambot. I guess it's not a bad idea at all. Next, we have to go buy all the ingredients for steamboat, which I was supposed to go later with my housemates. Nevermind, if we cook something delicious, I'll let you know. :D

Our pride and joy. :)

Now, which one of you know how to make the sauce? >.<

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