

Yes, yes and yes! We cooked our own steamboat, for real! Me and my housemates went to Mydin Mall, (my best friend that is :) ) to buy all the ingredients needed to make the steamboat. Chicken breast, fish cake, Squid ball, prawn ball, and even sausages were bought for the ingredients. I was thinking of putting in some celery since it's delicious to put in soups, but it was too much to put. We thought that it wasn't going to be that good, but it turned out to be so damn delicious. In fact, Anggum even asked us, how do we make the soup. But, truth be told, we just used whatever instant chicken soup there is. And the result is like the ones in the restaurants as commented by Anggum :D

As you can see, it's quite delicious :D Thinking of doing it again later.

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